What is AAC for Autism?

Written By Autism Parents

A collection of parents navigating our way around raising children with autism

What is AAC for Autism?

Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) is a set of tools and strategies used to help individuals with autism or other communication disorders express themselves more effectively.

Methods employed

These tools and strategies may include things like picture boards, communication apps, and speech-generating devices.

One of the primary goals of AAC is to help individuals with autism or other communication disorders to communicate more effectively with others. This may include using picture boards or communication apps to help them express their needs and wants, or using speech-generating devices to help them communicate verbally.

AAC is used to assist people with autism to communicate

Why AAC?

The simple aim of AAC is to help those with autism to communicate more effectively with others and improve their standard of life.

It may include using picture boards or communication apps to help them express their needs and wants, or using speech-generating devices to help them communicate verbally.

Additionally, AAC may also be used to help individuals with autism or other communication disorders to understand and interpret the communication of others. For example, picture symbols or communication apps may be used to help them understand spoken language or written text.

This may include helping them to participate more fully in social interactions and activities, to express their thoughts and feelings more effectively, or to be more independent in their daily lives.

Who could benefit from AAC?

AAC can be used by individuals with autism or other communication disorders of all ages and abilities, including those who are nonverbal or have limited verbal abilities.

It can be tailored to the individual’s specific needs and abilities, and can be used in a variety of settings, including at home, at school, and in the community.

It is important to note that AAC is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and that different individuals may require different tools and strategies to communicate effectively.

Therefore, it is important to work with a speech-language pathologist or other qualified professional to determine the most appropriate AAC options for an individual with autism or other communication disorders.


Overall, AAC is an important tool that can be used to help individuals with autism or other communication disorders to express themselves more effectively and to improve their quality of life.

By providing individuals with autism or other communication disorders with a variety of tools and strategies to communicate, AAC can play a crucial role in helping them to participate more fully in social interactions, activities and in daily life.

Feel free to browse our archive for more articles related to autism or alternatively you can visit the UK’s National Autistic Societies website.

About the author

A collection of parents navigating our way around raising children with autism.

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