Why may an autistic child smear poop?

Written By Autism Parents

A collection of parents navigating our way around raising children with autism

Why may an autistic child smear poop?

This isn’t a topic for the faint hearted but an autistic child smearing poop / poo is a reality for some parents so it’s understandable to question why.

Autistic children may engage in various behaviors that seem odd, inappropriate, or disturbing to others.

One such behavior is smearing feces or poop, also known as scatolia.

There are several reasons why an autistic child may smear poop, and these can vary from child to child. Here are some possible reasons:

Sensory Processing Issues: Autistic children may have difficulty processing sensory information, including smells, textures, and colors. Smearing poop may provide sensory input that the child finds soothing or stimulating.

Communication Difficulties: Some autistic children may use poop smearing as a way to communicate their needs, wants, or frustrations. For example, a child who is nonverbal or has limited speech may smear poop to indicate that they need a diaper change or are experiencing discomfort.

Anxiety or Stress: Autistic children may experience high levels of anxiety or stress, which can lead to self-soothing behaviors such as poop smearing.

Why may an autistic child smear poop

Lack of Toilet Training: Autistic children may have difficulty with toilet training due to their sensory issues or communication difficulties. Smearing poop may be a sign that the child is not yet ready for toilet training or that they need additional support in this area.

Behavioral Issues: Some autistic children may engage in poop smearing as a form of attention-seeking or as a way to test boundaries.

Lack of social understanding: A child with autism acting in this manner may be doing so because he or she does not understand social do’s and don’ts. Simply they do not realize that there is an understandable stigma around touching their own poop.

What to do

It is important to note that poop smearing can be harmful to the child’s health and can also create hygiene issues for caregivers and others. It is essential to work with a healthcare professional, such as a pediatrician, therapist, or behavioral specialist, to identify the underlying reasons for the behavior and develop a plan to address it.

This may involve strategies such as positive reinforcement for appropriate behaviors, sensory integration therapy, or behavioral interventions.

You could also try storyboards using pictures to highlight that poop is only intended for the toilet. There are also a number of YouTube videos which explain all about poop and potty training.

With the right support, it is possible to help an autistic child overcome poop smearing and develop more appropriate behaviors.

Summary – Why an autistic child may smear poop

There are a number of reasons why a child with autism may smear poop. It could be down to some sensory stimulation they receive or they may be doing so to get a reaction from caregivers.

Naturally parents will want to put a stop to this behaviour and it should be noted that most autistic children grow out of this activity in time.

With help, patience and persistence your child should stop this behaviour in due course.

About the author

A collection of parents navigating our way around raising children with autism.

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