Autistic Child Drinks A Lot Of Water?

Written By Autism Parents

A collection of parents navigating our way around raising children with autism

Autistic Child Drinks A Lot Of Water?

If you have noticed your autistic child drinks a lot of water then this is the article for you. We explain why they may be doing so and what you can do.

Drinking water is good isn’t it?

It is actually a common problem for autistic children to not drink enough water. So for some parents, such as myself the concept of a child drinking extremely regularly sounds great!

But in reality parents with a child who drinks excessively may be experiencing issues, particularly with bed wetting and alike.

So with that in mind it is worth exploring possible underlying causes for this behaviour.

Some of the common reasons for an autistic child drinking a lot of water are as below.

Hydration awareness

Some autistic children may have a heightened awareness of their body’s sensations and may be more attuned to their thirst cues.

They may drink more water to satisfy their perceived need for hydration, as they may have difficulty recognising or communicating their thirst or discomfort.

Autistic child drinks a lot of water?
Genuine dehydration

If you have an autistic child who is constantly on the move then it may be that they simply need a lot of water. An example would be if your child loves a trampoline and spends hours on one, or perhaps spins for extensive periods.

This active lifestyle may lead to perspiration and a desire to replace fluid.

Sensory desires

Many kids with autism may have sensory sensitivities, including issues with taste or oral sensory processing.

Drinking water may be soothing or provide a predictable sensory experience for the child, helping them cope with sensory sensitivities or seeking sensory stimulation.


Autistic children may engage in self-stimulatory or repetitive behaviours, also known as stimming.

Drinking water could be a form of stimming for some children with autism, providing a repetitive or calming action that helps them regulate their sensory experiences or self-soothe.


Autistic kids often thrive on routine and predictability. Drinking water at specific times or in specific amounts may become part of their established routine, providing a sense of structure and predictability in their day-to-day life.

Lack of hunger awareness

If your child prioritises water over food then it may be that they struggle to recognise hunger.

Drinking water may help them feel full or satisfied, especially if they have challenges with recognising or interpreting hunger cues.

Dealing with stress

Some autistic children may experience anxiety, stress, or emotional dysregulation, and drinking water could serve as a coping mechanism to manage these emotions.

It may provide a distraction or a way to self-soothe during times of heightened anxiety or emotional distress.

Summary – Autistic child drinks a lot of water

An autistic child may drink a lot of water for various reasons. A parents first step in dealing with the issue would be to measure how much they are actually drinking.

There are various sites available which can guide you on the topic, here is one from the BBC.

Then you should try to understand why they are drinking so much. It may be one of the above reasons or something completely unrelated.

Understanding triggers and causes is half the battle.

If your child is drinking excessively then you could get professional advice from a therapist to try and deal with the issue.

About the author

A collection of parents navigating our way around raising children with autism.

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