Can Autism Be A Good Thing?

Written By Autism Parents

A collection of parents navigating our way around raising children with autism

Can Autism Be A Good Thing?

For parents raising an autistic child our brains often engage in mental aerobics, including wondering can autism be a good thing?

Before we continue it is always worth pointing out that autism covers a wide range of challenges and characteristics.

So this article containing sweeping generalisations should be taken with a pinch of salt.

But with that said let’s get stuck in and try to answer the question.

What defines ‘good’

Autism is often perceived as a negative condition due to the challenges it presents to many individuals who have it.

However, there are instances where autism can be a good thing.

In this article, we will explore some of the positive aspects of autism and how they can benefit individuals.

For my definition of ‘good’ I will try and cross over a wide range of social interactions and life experiences.

Can autism be  a good thing?  We think so
Can autism be a good thing?
Common strengths

One of the most significant strengths of individuals with autism is a common ability to focus intensely on a specific interest or topic.

This ability is known as “hyperfocus.”

Having this personality trait allows individuals to delve deeply into a subject and develop an extensive knowledge base.

This level of expertise can lead to a career or hobby that is both rewarding and fulfilling.

Many successful individuals, such as Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, and Temple Grandin, are thought to have had autism and are celebrated for their contributions to science and technology.

But taking the celebrity names to one side, being able to focus intensely can help in any number of workplaces.

It is often said that a large proportion of silicone valley’s population are on the spectrum.

Whilst I won’t comment on the accuracy of that statement, it makes sense that those with the ability to focus on intense tasks would perform well in tech.

In addition, individuals with autism often possess exceptional memory skills.

They can recall specific details and facts with ease, making them valuable assets in many fields, such as history, science, and law.

Speaking personally, my daughter whilst not without challenges has a staggering memory, often leaving my wife and I gobsmacked.

This ability to remember details can also lead to autistic adults developing unique artistic talents, such as drawing, painting, or music.

A different view on the world

Another strength of individuals with autism is their honesty and integrity. They often have a unique way of looking at the world, which allows them to see things in a straightforward and honest manner.

This honesty can be invaluable in situations where the truth is essential, such as in scientific research or in relationships.

My daughter fascinates me with her honestly in that you know exactly where you stand with her at all times.

Yes there are times in life where being so transparent could lead to awkwardness.

But perhaps life would be better all-round if we all took a page out of my daughter’s book.

It is also of note that individuals with autism also tend to have a unique perspective on life. This can lead to the development of innovative solutions to problems.

Their ability to think outside the box can be valuable in creative fields such as writing, art, and technology.

Challenges or benefits?

Individuals with autism may also have an acute awareness of their surroundings, known as sensory sensitivity.

While this can be overwhelming in some situations, it can also lead to a heightened appreciation for art, music, and nature.

This heightened awareness can also be beneficial in some careers, such as architecture or urban planning, where an eye for detail is essential.

Intense loyalty

Individuals with autism often exhibit loyalty and dedication to their interests and relationships.

They can form deep connections with others and are known for their loyalty to family and friends.

This loyalty and dedication can be beneficial in many fields, such as teaching, counseling, and social work.

A life of straight and narrow

Stand by for another sweeping generalisation but I believe that autistic people are less like to commit crime or land themselves in serious trouble.

Playing by rules is something which a lot of autistic people live by, so as our children move into adulthood that can be a clear benefit.

Rules bring structure and structure can provide comfort to autistic people.

I for example find it very unlikely that my daughter will experiment with drugs or get caught shoplifting as a teenager.

Summary – Can autism be a good thing?

Autism absolutely can be a good thing in many ways.

While it presents challenges, individuals with autism have unique strengths and abilities that can be valuable in many fields.

With the right support and understanding, individuals with autism can lead successful, happy and fulfilling lives.

About the author

A collection of parents navigating our way around raising children with autism.

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