How To Get An Autistic Child To The Dentist

Written By Autism Parents

A collection of parents navigating our way around raising children with autism

How To Get An Autistic Child To The Dentist

Knowing quite how to get an autistic child to go to the dentist and let the examination take place is a challenging task.

In this article we give you some tactics and ideas to try in order to make the event as smooth as possible.

Autism and the dentist’s

This is a struggle for many parents but is obviously important to maintain your child’s oral health so it cannot be put off for ever.

Here are some tips to consider;

Choose the right dentist

This sounds like it is common sense but not all dentist’s or doctors are equal. You will find that some provide certain accomodations such as dimmed lighting or even sensory allowances.

You will likely find advice and recommendations on social media, look for autism groups in your area and you’ll be surprised at how helpful the members may be.

The jackpot is if you find a dentist with an autistic family member. We haven’t had that luck but we did for an optician who had an autistic son.

We can’t explain how helpful she was in getting out daughters eyes tested.

How to get an autistic child to the dentist
Make preparations

Preparing your child in advance can help reduce their anxiety.

You could talk to your child about what to expect during the visit, show them pictures of the dentist’s office and equipment, and explain what the dentist will be doing.

You can also practice opening their mouth and counting their teeth with them at home.

There are plenty of toys available which you could purchase that are dentist specific.

You could try and get your child to develop an interest in the process prior to your appointment.

Use visual aids

Visual aids can be helpful for autistic children.

You can create a social story that explains what will happen during the appointment or use a visual schedule to help them understand the sequence of events.

A schedule board planning the week will likely help your child also. If they are aware that on for example Thursday they have a dentist’s appointment, they know what to expect.

Schedule a reward

Consider offering your child a reward for their bravery and cooperation during the appointment. This could be a special treat or activity that they enjoy.

You could include the reward as part of either the schedule board or the social story so they have something to look forward to.

Choose a quiet time

Speak to the dentist and see when their quietest time is for appointments. That way if your child gets anxious or upset in busy places then you can plan around that.

Bring familiar items

Bring familiar items from home that your child can use to help them feel more comfortable. This could be a favorite toy, book, or blanket.

You could also consider bringing electronic devices but these can be problematic when it comes to interrupting so that the examination can take place.

Consider sedation

As a last resort you could speak to medical practitioners regarding the option of some sort of sedation.

Again I stress this would obviously be a last resort but if your child is experiencing serious dental problems and can’t otherwise have them treated then it is something to consider.

Summary – How to get an autistic child to the dentist

Taking an autistic child to the dentist can be a challenge, but with the right preparation and support, it can be a successful experience.

Choosing the right dentist in addition to some of the above tactics will help make the trip to the dentist less stressful for both you and your child.

About the author

A collection of parents navigating our way around raising children with autism.

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