How will my autistic child grow up?

Written By Autism Parents

A collection of parents navigating our way around raising children with autism

How will my autistic child grow up?

Many parents in our position internally question, how will my autistic child grow up? It is a natural anxious internal conversation I think that we all have to some degree.

Whilst we would never be able to answer that question directly in this article we will explore it and pull out some themes.

When an autistic child grows up

The first thing to consider is that autism is not the same for everybody. Some people may have very manageable, minor traits whilst others may have severe challenges.

How will my autistic child grow up?

One factor however which brings me a lot of comfort is that society is a lot more accepting towards autism than ever before.

Neurodiversity is taught in many schools and speaking generally the public are just more alive to needs associated with autism.

With that said, we as parents can’t be naive to the fact that some elements of life may be more challenging.

The following are some areas in which an autistic adult may need adaptions or assistance.


Some individuals with autism have unique strengths, such as attention to detail, strong focus, and exceptional memory.

These strengths can be extremely valuable in certain fields.

However, they may also struggle with communication and social interactions, which can make it difficult to succeed in other workplace environments.

Autistic adults may benefit from vocational training or job coaching to help them develop the skills they need to succeed in a particular job.


Autistic adults may also struggle with social relationships.

They may have difficulty understanding social cues, interpreting nonverbal communication, and making and maintaining friendships.

Some autistic adults may prefer solitary activities and may struggle with activities that involve social interaction.

However, with the right support and accommodations, autistic adults can develop social skills and build relationships that are meaningful to them.

Daily living skills

Daily living skills can also be a challenge for some autistic adults. These skills include activities such as cooking, cleaning, and managing finances.

A skill such as driving may be challenging for autistic adults as it involves multi tasking and social interaction during the learning period.

Some autistic adults may need support in developing these skills, either through formal training or through support from family members, friends, or caregivers.

Contribution to society

Despite these challenges, autistic adults can make important contributions to society. Many autistic adults have unique talents and perspectives that can benefit a wide range of fields.

These contributions are widespread ranging from science and technology to the arts.

Some autistic adults have become successful entrepreneurs, artists, and researchers, among other careers.

In addition, autistic adults can also contribute to society by raising awareness of autism and advocating for the rights and needs of the autistic community.

Many autistic adults have become prominent advocates and leaders, working to promote inclusion and understanding of autism in society.

Summary – How will my autistic child grow up?

Trying to predict the future is something that mos, if not all parents in our position are guilty of.

I for example would love to temporarily fast forward 20 years to see how my daughter is doing in life.

But alas we can only speculate as I have done in this article.

Ultimately your son or daughter will have their own individual needs, challenges and strengths.

What can give us all hope however is that society is more accepting of autism nowadays.

In addition there are plenty of autistic adults making contributions to society and living happy joy filled lives.

About the author

A collection of parents navigating our way around raising children with autism.

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