What To Do When An Autistic Child Wakes Up At Night

Written By Autism Parents

A collection of parents navigating our way around raising children with autism

What To Do When An Autistic Child Wakes Up At Night

If you are a parent of an autistic child who wakes up at night you may be wondering what to do in such situations.

While we can never wave a magic wand and fix these issues we can arm you with some tactics to try.

Autistic child waking suggestions

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can impact an individual’s sleep patterns, making it challenging for parents to ensure that their child gets enough rest.

Here are some tips that can help you manage the situation when your autistic child wakes up at night:

Comfort your child

We appreciate that this sounds obvious but they may have woken due to being distressed. You will be tired yourself but 5 minutes spent comforting your child may well be time well spent.

What to do when autistic child wakes during the night
Repeat bedtime routine

If you have a routine in place for bedtime (which is something we’d recommend) you could just restart that.

This may include getting your child a warm glass of milk or even brushing their teeth again. Remember autistic children thrive on routine so they may well associate these activities with going to sleep.

Avoid stimulation

Avoid stimulating activities like watching television or playing video games, as they can make it harder for your child to fall back asleep.

Instead, offer quiet activities like reading a book or listening to soft music.

Use alternative communication

Depending on your child’s level of communication and understanding you should try to explain that night is for sleep time.

Something like a schedule board could be of use whereby you highlight that sleep comes after certain activities and particularly at night.

Try calming techniques

Using calming techniques like deep breathing, visualisation, or aromatherapy can help your child relax and fall back asleep. These techniques can be especially useful if your child is sensitive to sensory input.

Stick to a plan

Once you have decided on your course of action it is important you stick to it. For example if you have agreed that your child will not be getting in to bed with you then try not to buckle as tempting as it is.

Once more remember that your child may be fond of routine so one night in your bed could turn into many years.

Look for irritants

Your child may be hypersensitive and therefore may have heightened senses. Check their pyjamas and blankets for things like labels which can annoy them.

You should also ensure that as much light and sound is blocked out as possible.

Summary – What to do when an autistic child wakes up at night

There is no one size fits all answer but if you stick to a plan and avoid stimulation at night then you should see progress in this area.

It’s also important to monitor your child’s sleep patterns and keep a sleep diary to identify any patterns or triggers that may be impacting their sleep.

This information can be useful when seeking professional support from a pediatrician or a sleep specialist.

About the author

A collection of parents navigating our way around raising children with autism.

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