Why Does My Autistic Child Eat So Much?

Written By Autism Parents

A collection of parents navigating our way around raising children with autism

Why Does My Autistic Child Eat So Much?

If you are asking why does your autistic child eat so much then don’t worry you are not alone, it is quite a common behaviour.

Autistic children quite often have a complicated relationship with food with many eating too little and some eating too much.

Whilst it is impossible to identify the exact triggers relating to your child we can provide some possible reasons for the over-eating.

Why does my autistic child eat so much?

Autistic child eating too much

There are several reasons why some autistic children may eat a lot including the below;

Sensory issues

Some children may seek out certain textures or flavors, while others may avoid them.

An autistic child’s relationship with their senses may actually make the feeling of certain foods being in their mouth pleasurable.

This can lead to a preference for certain types of food or a desire to eat constantly.

Poor communication

Some autistic children may have difficulty expressing their needs and wants, including when they are hungry.

This can lead to overeating as a way of ensuring they have enough food to sustain themselves.


Autistic children often thrive on routine and predictability.

Eating or having the same foods available, can provide a sense of comfort and stability.

If they strive for predictably they may strive for something that they know such as eating.

The act of eating may well have become a routine based habit. For example as soon as you get in from school, it is time for food in their mind.

Dealing with stress

Autistic children may experience higher levels of anxiety and stress than their neurotypical peers.

Food can be a source of comfort during times of stress, leading to overeating.

Medical conditions

Some medical conditions, such as Prader-Willi syndrome, can cause overeating and obesity.

While not directly related to autism, these conditions may be more prevalent in autistic individuals.

Summary – Why does my autistic child eat so much?

There could be any number of reasons your child is overeating ranging from routine to liking the feeling of food being in their mouth or even dealing with stress.

It’s important to note that not all autistic children overeat, and that each individual is unique.

If you have concerns about your child’s eating habits, it’s important to speak with a healthcare provider who can provide personalised recommendations and support.

About the author

A collection of parents navigating our way around raising children with autism.

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