Why Is My Autistic Child Always Sick?

Written By Autism Parents

A collection of parents navigating our way around raising children with autism

Why Is My Autistic Child Always Sick?

If you are questioning why is my autistic child always sick, then you are not alone it is a common predicament.

In this article we explore why that may be the case and what you can do.

Firstly it is really important to note that every child is different so what may be relevant to one may not be to another.

Secondly we would always recommend you get professional medical advice if any sickness in your child is causing you concern.

With that said however we have pulled together some of the reasons why your child may often suffer with sickness.

Autism and being ill

Being a parent of an autistic child can be really tough in a number of ways.

One of the challenges that parents may face is a higher risk of health problems.

Some autistic children may seem to be always sick, with frequent illnesses such as colds, ear infections, and other health issues.

In this article, we will explore some of the reasons why an autistic child may be more susceptible to illness.

Autistic child always sick?

Some autistic children may have difficulty with personal hygiene and self-care, which can contribute to illness.

These hygiene issues often come back to sensory processing, including sensory input related to self-care.

Day to day activities such as washing hands may feel uncomfortable to your child. This could mean that they avoid the process or do a poor job of the wash.

The same concept applies to brushing an autistic child’s teeth in that some children find this extremely uncomfortable. This can lead to subsequent dental problems down the road.

The concept of illness may also be baffling to your child. This could lead to difficulty understanding the link between hygiene and illness.

Communication and understanding

Autistic children may have difficulty communicating their symptoms, which can make it challenging for parents to identify and treat illnesses.

This can lead to delays in diagnosis and treatment, which can exacerbate the illness and prolong the recovery process.

It may be for example that your child has the early onset of an illness which could be addressed with rest, but because you aren’t aware you carry on as normal.


It is extremely common for autistic children to have a fondness of putting objects in their mouth. This is usually down to a sensory desire.

Our daughter for example had a particular taste for shiny metal objects.

This desire to place items in their mouth can lead to them picking up bugs and illnesses more often than their peers.

This may be especially true if they are exposed to favoured objects at schools and during leisure activities.

Mouthing can also extend to licking items which is also a common behaviour for autistic children.

Stomach problems

Certain medical conditions may be more common in children with autism, which can increase their risk of illness.

For example, stomach problems, such as constipation, diarrhea, and abdominal pain, are more common in autistic children than in neurotypical children.

These conditions can lead to a weakened immune system and increase the likelihood of other illnesses.

A lot of these stomach problems can be down to the child having a limited or rigid diet, something which is common in autistic kids.


Sadly, autistic children may be more vulnerable to stress, which can negatively affect their immune system and increase their risk of illness.

Stress can have a significant impact on the immune system, weakening its ability to fight off infections.

Autistic children may be more prone to stress due to their difficulty with communication, social interaction, and sensory processing.

Stressful situations such as changes in routine, unfamiliar environments, and social interaction can trigger a stress response in autistic children, which can increase their risk of illness.

Summary – Why is my autistic child always sick?

There are many reasons why an autistic child may be more susceptible to illness.

Personal hygiene, difficulty communicating symptoms, and vulnerability to stress are all factors that can contribute to frequent illnesses in autistic children.

It is important for parents to be aware of these challenges and take steps to help autistic children maintain good health.

This may include regular medical check-ups and promoting good hygiene.

By addressing these factors, we can help autistic children lead healthy and fulfilling lives.

About the author

A collection of parents navigating our way around raising children with autism.

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