Autistic Child Won’t Drink Water?

Written By Autism Parents

A collection of parents navigating our way around raising children with autism

Autistic Child Won’t Drink Water?

If you have an autistic child who won’t drink water you are not alone, it is more common than you think. We explain why it may be the case and what you can do.

Autism and drinking water

One of the challenges that parents of children with autism face is the difficulty in getting them to drink water.

Children with autism can have sensory issues, which can make drinking water difficult.

This article will explore the reasons why an autistic child might not drink water and provide some strategies to help them overcome this challenge.

Autistic child won’t drink water?
Sensory processing

Sensory processing disorder (SPD) is a condition that is commonly associated with autism.

Children with SPD can have difficulty processing sensory information, which can result in an aversion to certain stimuli, including water.

The texture, taste, and temperature of water can be overwhelming to some autistic children, which can lead to them refusing to drink it.

To overcome this challenge, you can try offering water at different temperatures, such as room temperature, cold, or warm.

You can also try adding natural flavors, such as lemon or mint, to the water to make it more palatable.

Another thing you could try is offering water with a straw so that your child can almost bypass the front of their mouth.

Finally if it is a sensory issues causing the problem you could try water in different forms.

Some children for example like crushed ice, you can even make it more fun by them helping in the process.

Rigid habits

Many children with autism have rigid eating habits and prefer certain foods or liquid over others.

This can be due to sensory issues, as mentioned above, or a need for routine and predictability.

Some autistic children may only want to drink certain types of liquids, such as juice or milk, because they have a specific taste.

To overcome this challenge you can try gradually introducing water into the child’s diet by diluting the sweetened drinks with water.

You can also try offering your child a choice of different types of cups or bottles to drink from.

If you allow them to be part of the process they may be more willing to try drinking water.

Communication issues

Some children with autism have difficulty communicating their needs or preferences.

This can make it challenging for parents to understand why the child is refusing to drink water.

The child may not be able to express that they do not like the taste or temperature of the water, or that they prefer a certain type of cup or bottle.

To overcome this challenge, you can try observing your child’s behaviour and body language when offering water.

You can also try offering water at different times throughout the day, such as before or after a meal, to see if the child is more receptive to drinking it.

Summary – Autistic child won’t drink water?

Children with autism can have difficulty drinking water due to sensory issues, rigid dietary habits, and difficulty communicating their needs.

Parents can help overcome this challenge by offering water at different temperatures, adding natural flavours or gradually introducing water into the child’s diet.

It is essential to work with a healthcare professional if the problem persists as there are obvious health issues with being dehydrated or only drinking sugary drinks.

About the author

A collection of parents navigating our way around raising children with autism.

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