Can Autistic Kids Play Sports?

Written By Autism Parents

A collection of parents navigating our way around raising children with autism

Can Autistic Kids Play Sports?

Raising an autistic child brings about all sorts of questions for the future, one for many is can autistic kids play sports?

In this article we look into the answer and what impact autism may have on a child’s athletic activities.

Autism and sports

With nearly every aspect to do with autism, their athletic capabilities will vary from one individual to another.

With that said however there are some common trends which could impact sports.

The quick answer

The quick and simple answer is that yes of course autistic children can play sports. Their condition may or may not impact their ability but either way the world is a lot more understanding nowadays.

Most clubs, schools and institutions are trained I neuro-diversity and will likely welcome your child with open arms.

Can autistic kids play sports?

Benefits of enrolling your autistic child in sports

Sports are a great mechanism to help children with autism develop social skills. Participating in team sports provides an opportunity for autistic children to interact with others in a structured environment.

This can help them develop their communication and social skills, as well as build relationships with other kids.

For example, playing soccer (football) or basketball requires communication and collaboration with teammates. This can help autistic children learn to work with others towards a common goal.

Sports can also be a great way for autistic children to stay active and improve their physical fitness.

Many children with autism struggle with coordination and gross motor skills, but playing sports can help them improve these skills over time.

Additionally, physical activity has been shown to have a positive impact on mood and behaviour.

This can be particularly beneficial for children with autism who may struggle with anxiety or sensory issues.

Challenges for autistic kids in sports

It would be amiss to not at least acknowledge the fact that some sporting endeavors may be difficult for your child.

As mentioned above, it is common for autistic children to struggle with their coordination.

Whilst this is something which can be worked on they could be disheartened if they struggle with their performance.

In addition some autistic children may find certain sports overwhelming or overstimulating. As an example your child may be hypersensitive to loud noises, so a crowd and a whistle could be uncomfortable for them.

Whilst the positive of almost enforcing communication is present, if your child is non verbal for example this could be a barrier.

One concern that parents may have when considering sports for their autistic child is whether they will be accepted by their teammates and coaches.

Unfortunately, there may be instances where autistic children may face discrimination or misunderstanding from others.


There are many sports programs that are inclusive and welcoming of children with autism.

Some for example may play in a reduced noise environment or even with dimmer lighting.

Parents should look for programs that have a positive and inclusive culture and that prioritise the well-being of all participants.

Summary – Can autistic kids play sports?

Autistic children can play sports and benefit from doing so in many ways.

Sports can help them develop social skills, improve physical fitness, and provide opportunities for fun and enjoyment.

Parents should work with their child’s healthcare provider or therapist to identify sports that are a good fit for their child’s interests and abilities.

It would also be a good idea to look for programs that are inclusive and welcoming.

With the right support, autistic children can enjoy the many benefits that sports have to offer.

About the author

A collection of parents navigating our way around raising children with autism.

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