Why Did God Give You An Autistic Child?

Written By Autism Parents

A collection of parents navigating our way around raising children with autism

Why Did God Give You An Autistic Child?

While our beliefs and religions are sometimes different, many parents in our position question why did God give us an autistic child.

In this article we explore that question and try to make sense of these challenges we have been presented.

God and a child with autism

The question of why God may give a parent an autistic child is a complex and sensitive one.

It is a question that has been asked by many parents of children with autism.

In fact it’s been asked by theologians, philosophers, and scholars throughout history.

While there are no easy answers, there are some possible explanations that can shed light on this difficult question.

Why did God give me an autistic child
Why did God give us an autistic child
A purpose for everyone

One possible explanation is that God has a purpose for every parent, including those who have had children with autism.

Whilst i don’t intend to pollute this article with personal opinions as the subject of God and religion is complex.

The idea that we all have been chosen for particular strengths is how I wrap my head around things.

My husband and I know that having our autistic son has taught us so many lessons. It has also allowed us to be the parents God knew we could be.

Sometimes God gives his toughest challenges to the strongest people.

So while it can be challenging for parents, it can also provide unique opportunities for growth, learning, and development.

There is also the idea that autism can be a gift. I appreciate this could seem tough to comprehend at times.

However your child may have exceptional abilities in a particular area, such as music, art, or math.

They may also have a unique perspective on the world that can help others to see things in a new and different way.


Another possible explanation is that God allows suffering and challenges in our lives to draw us closer to Him.

While it may be difficult to see at times, trials and tribulations can often lead to spiritual growth and a deeper faith.

For parents of autistic children, this may mean relying on God’s strength and grace to get through the tough times.

Also it may help them in and finding comfort and peace in knowing that God is with them every step of the way.


Some parents take comfort in the idea that we were all chosen as we are strong enough to cope with the challenges an autistic child brings.

Without wanting to be mean, sometimes I look at parents of the neuro-typical and think “they wouldn’t be able to cope”.

You may well know the types.

Those with kids who are developing and behaving exactly as they should and they still complain.

You’ll without even noticing overcome daily challenges way in excess of other parents, and you’ll do it without blinking.

That is real strength and that is why you have been chosen.

Summary – Why did God give you an autistic child?

Ultimately, the question of why God may give a parent an autistic child is one that may never have a definitive answer.

As people of faith, we can take comfort in knowing that God loves us and our children, and there is a purpose for us all.

We can trust that we will be given the strength and grace we need to navigate the challenges of parenting a child with autism.

Finally we can use our experiences to encourage others who are going through similar struggles.


About the author

A collection of parents navigating our way around raising children with autism.

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