Is Autism Caused By Mother Or Father?

Written By Autism Parents

A collection of parents navigating our way around raising children with autism

Is Autism Caused By Mother Or Father?

People turn to the internet for a number of reasons, with something commonly asked being, is autism caused by the mother of father?

This can be when parents are reeling from the news that their child has autism. Or it could be expectant parents getting their crystal ball out to try and predict the future.

Ultimately it is a very personal question to raise, in this article we examine the question and provide an answer.

Genetics and autism

Research indicates that autism has a strong genetic link.

Multiple studies, including twin and family studies, have revealed that the risk of autism is significantly higher in families where someone has the condition.

It is estimated that genetic factors account for around 80% of the variance in autism risk.

However, the specific genes and mechanisms involved in the development of autism are complex and still not entirely understood.

Does autism come from the mother or father?

Unproven theories

Historically, maternal influences were considered crucial in the development of autism.

A hypothesis called the “refrigerator mother theory” posited that cold and distant mothers caused autism in their children.

However, this theory has been thoroughly discredited and is no longer supported by scientific evidence.

Instead, researchers have focused on examining the potential contributions via both genetics and environments.


The environment during pregnancy, including factors such as maternal health, exposure to certain substances and stress, has been a subject of investigation.

Some studies have suggested that certain pregnancy exposures may slightly increase the risk of autism.

However, these factors are considered to be relatively rare contributors to the overall risk.

These environmental factors are not solely responsible for the development of autism.

Mother and Father

While parental contributions have been extensively studied, research on influences in autism has gained traction in recent years.

Studies have demonstrated that advanced paternal age at the time of conception is associated with an increased risk of autism in offspring.

As men age, the quality of sperm DNA can deteriorate, leading to an accumulation of genetic mutations.

It is possible that may contribute to the development of autism.

It is important to note, however, that the majority of children born to older fathers do not have autism.

Current evidence suggests that autism arises from the interplay of various genetic factors from both parents.

In most cases, multiple genes with small effects combine to influence the risk of developing ASD.

Moreover, genetic interactions between the mother and father’s genes can further contribute to the complex inheritance patterns observed in autism.

Summary – Does autism come from the mother or father?

Autism does not solely come from the mother or the father but arises from a complex mix of genetic and environmental factors.

Both parents contribute genetic variations, and factors such as maternal health, prenatal exposures, and paternal age can influence the risk of autism.

Understanding these various influences is crucial for developing effective strategies for early diagnosis and interventions.

Crucially also, early identification can lead to support for children with autism and their families.

About the author

A collection of parents navigating our way around raising children with autism.

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