Choosing A Babysitter For An Autistic Child

Written By Autism Parents

A collection of parents navigating our way around raising children with autism

Choosing A Babysitter For An Autistic Child

Knowing how to choose a babysitter for an autistic child can be tricky with a lot of different factors to consider.

In the below article we detail some of the different considerations to have in mind.

Babysitter for an autistic child

Understanding the unique needs of an autistic child is crucial when it comes to finding the right babysitter.

As a parent, you want to ensure that your child is in safe and capable hands while also receiving the care and support they require.

Finding a babysitter who is knowledgeable, compassionate, and understanding of autism can make all the difference.

The right person can result in providing a positive experience for your child.

Here are some key qualities and considerations to look for when selecting a babysitter for your autistic child.

Choosing a babysitter for an autistic child takes a lot of thought

Experience and knowledge

One of the first things to consider is the babysitter’s experience and knowledge regarding autism.

Look for someone who has previous experience working with autistic children or who has undergone specific training in autism care.

This experience equips them with a better understanding of the unique challenges and needs that autistic children may have.

The babysitter can then draw on that experience allowing them to respond appropriately and provide appropriate support.


Patience is a virtue that is particularly essential when working with autistic children.

An ideal babysitter should be patient, understanding, and able to adapt their approach to meet your child’s individual needs.

Autistic children may have different communication styles and sensory sensitivities, so it is crucial for the babysitter to be suitably prepared.

They should also accommodating, allowing your child to feel comfortable and supported.

Knowing how to identify these qualities may be more challenging. Perhaps ask the potential babysitters how they would handle certain situations in a phone interview.

Communication skills

Effective communication is vital in any childcare setting, but it becomes even more critical when dealing with autistic children.

Look for a babysitter who demonstrates strong communication skills and is capable of understanding nonverbal cues.

They should also be able to communicate clearly and effectively with both you and your child.

This would ensure that everyone is on the same page regarding routines, expectations, and any specific instructions.

Of course with autistic children there may be other forms of communication which need to be considered also.

Depending on your child’s specific needs you may want to ensure the babysitter can use sign language or PECS also.


Autistic children may have specific routines or sensory preferences that help them feel secure.

It is important to find a babysitter who can be flexible and adapt to these routines, providing a stable and comforting environment for your child.

A willingness to learn and accommodate your child’s individual needs can greatly enhance their experience with the babysitter.

First aid

Ensuring the safety and well-being of your child is of utmost importance.

Look for a babysitter who is trained in first aid and CPR, as accidents can happen even in the most supervised environments.

Additionally, make sure they are aware of any specific safety concerns or precautions related to your child’s autism.

This could be such as wandering tendencies or sensitivities to certain objects or situations.

Look for recommendations

Seeking recommendations from other parents of autistic children or from professionals who work with autistic individuals can be valuable in finding a suitable babysitter.

These references can provide insights into the babysitter’s capabilities, dependability, and rapport with autistic children.

If you don’t have any friends who can recommend a babysitter perhaps reach out to forums and social media groups.

Trial period

Consider starting with a trial period to assess the compatibility between the babysitter and your child.

This allows you to observe firsthand how the babysitter interacts with your child and how your child responds to them.

It’s an opportunity to gauge whether the babysitter is a good fit for your family and meets your child’s specific needs.

Whilst trial periods are important, the counter would be that autistic children often like consistency.

So with that in mind you may want to have suitable breaks in-between trialing different sitters.

Summary – Tips to help choose a babysitter for an autistic child

Remember, finding the perfect babysitter for your autistic child may take time and patience.

It’s essential to communicate openly with potential candidates about your child’s needs and expectations.

Trust your instincts and prioritise your child’s well-being above all else.

With a caring and knowledgeable babysitter, you can provide your child with the support and care they require, allowing them to thrive in a safe and comfortable environment.

About the author

A collection of parents navigating our way around raising children with autism.

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