Autistic Child Tired All The Time?

Written By Autism Parents

A collection of parents navigating our way around raising children with autism

Autistic Child Tired All The Time?

If your autistic child is tired all the time there may be some very good reasons behind it. We explore possible causes below.

Child with autism and fatigue

Parenting a child with autism can be both rewarding and challenging.

One of the common concerns among parents is the constant fatigue experienced by their autistic child.

In this article, we aim to shed light on the reasons behind this fatigue, providing a sympathetic perspective for parents to understand their child’s needs.

Sleep difficulties

Starting with an obvious cause, a number of autistic children struggle with their sleep.

Irregular sleep patterns, difficulty falling asleep, or frequent night awakenings can result in chronic tiredness during the day.

Lack of quality sleep can negatively impact their mood, cognitive abilities, and overall well-being.

Some children are very forthcoming with their difficulties in sleeping but some may be more withdrawn.

To understand if your child is sleeping, one option would be to dig out the baby monitor if it has since been banished to a drawer.

If you know that your child is struggling with sleep there are a number of different tactics to try.

Parents have had success with various combinations of the following options;

If you have any other tactics which you may have used, please feel free to list them in the comments.

Is your autistic child tired all the time?

Repetitive behaviours or stimming

Autistic children often exhibit hyperfocus on specific activities or interests.

Engaging in these behaviours such as spinning for extended periods can lead to physical fatigue.

Repetitive actions or stimming, though soothing, can also contribute to the depletion of energy.

A number of autistic kids struggle to sit still for long periods of time so being on their feet engaging in constant movement leads to fatigue.

Limited diets

Another common trait among autistic children is to have limited diets or even simply not eating enough.

If your child is not getting the required nutrition and calories then logically this could cause fatigue.

Should this be applicable to your child, perhaps speak to a dietitian to understand their nutritional requirements.

Sensory overload

Autistic children often experience sensory overload, where their senses become overwhelmed by the surrounding environment.

This can lead to heightened stress and exhaustion as they try to cope with the barrage of external input they encounter daily.

Simple tasks, such as visiting a crowded place or dealing with loud noises, can be particularly draining for them.

Communication issues

Communication and social interactions can be quite demanding for autistic children.

The challenges in expressing themselves and understanding others might lead to mental and emotional exhaustion.

Striving to navigate social situations and feeling disconnected from peers can be tiring.

This can often leaving them fatigued after a day at school or social gatherings.


Autistic children often can develop routines and rigid habits. Your child may have developed a routine of lying down throughout the day.

That is not to say that they won’t be legitimately tired but they recognise and remember the comfort of taking naps.

More serious health conditions

Whilst we are not looking to scare anyone on this site, it would be negligent to rule out the possibility of actual health issues causing fatigue.

If you are concerned about your child’s constant tiredness then you should reach out to a doctor as a precaution.

It may well be that they put your mind at ease but it is always better to cover all bases.

Summary – Autistic child tired all the time

Understanding why an autistic child may be tired all the time is crucial for parents to provide the necessary support.

Their unique challenges can lead to physical and emotional exhaustion, but with understanding and patience, parents can help alleviate some of the fatigue they experience.

Creating a supportive environment, encouraging healthy sleep habits, and promoting balanced activities can contribute to enhancing their overall well-being.

Remember, your love and understanding are the most potent tools in guiding your autistic child towards a more comfortable and fulfilling life.

About the author

A collection of parents navigating our way around raising children with autism.

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