Does Autism Get Better With Age?

Written By Autism Parents

A collection of parents navigating our way around raising children with autism

Does Autism Get Better With Age?

Using our crystal balls we all try to look into our children’s future, but does autism get better with age?

This is a complicated question which needs some unpacking in itself.

In the below article we will explore how people adapt to life with autsim and if indeed it can get better with age.

Understanding autism

Autism as we know, encompasses a wide range of characteristics and challenges.

Just as every person is unique, so too therefore is the way autism manifests in individuals.

Some children may experience noticeable improvements in certain areas as they grow older, while others may continue to face challenges throughout their lives.

Autism is referred to as a spectrum for a reason. It is so to account for the diverse ways in which the disorder can impact people and indeed evolve.

Does autism get better with age? It’s complicated.

Unpicking the question

The question of does autism get better with age needs a fair amount of unpicking in itself.

A definition of “get better” will be very personal to an individual. One person’s interpretation of getting better would be where autism is essentially unnoticeable.

Another person’s definition would be their child understanding more about the wider world.

For us the definition is pretty wide and encompasses the child or adults general improvement in various areas.

These improvements may be down to adapting to their condition or through intervention.

What is always worth noting is that there is no ‘cure’ for autism.

People can make great progress in areas like communication and navigating social environments but they wouldn’t be ‘cured’ of autism.

On this subject it is also worth pointing out that framing anything as a cure of autsim can be offensive.

Autism isn’t a disease, it is a way of life for people like our amazing children.

Early intervention

Nearly every expert agrees that early interventions play a critical role in shaping a child’s development.

Many parents have witnessed significant progress in their child’s communication skills as an example. This could well be down to dedicated interventions and therapies.

For some, these improvements continue to evolve as they mature, leading to increased independence.

Celebrating these small victories is essential in the journey of raising a child with autism in our view.

With that said however there are some children who don’t develop skills as quickly as others.

This would not be down to a lack of effort from parents, just simply due to how the condition manifests in their child.

With that in mind it would be an oversimplification to just answer yes, autism can get better with age.

It really depends on the child and their capabilities.

Challenges and transitions

While progress is something to be celebrated, it’s also important to acknowledge that challenges can persist throughout an individual’s life.

Periods of change, such as adolescence and adulthood, can bring about new hurdles.

Social interactions, changes in routine, and increased expectations may present difficulties for individuals with autism.

However, with the right support and understanding, these challenges can be navigated.

Growth and strengths

Autism is not solely defined by its challenges; it is also characterised by unique strengths and qualities.

Many individuals with autism possess remarkable talents, whether it’s an exceptional memory, attention to detail, or a deep passion for a specific subject.

As individuals grow older, they often have the opportunity to harness and cultivate these strengths.

This can end up leading to a greater sense of self-confidence and purpose.

Picture for example a child who likes doing puzzles. As time moves on these puzzles could evolve into computer programming.

From there the child could go into employment and have a very successful career.

Has their autism got better with age? Or have they just learnt to focus on their strengths?

Being supportive

A crucial factor in the journey of children with autism is the support system they have in place.

Parents, wider relatives, teachers, and therapists all play key roles in creating an environment that helps development.

By understanding the child’s needs and providing opportunities for learning and engagement, the journey can be positive for all involved.

Summary – Does autism get better with age?

The question of whether autism gets better with age doesn’t have a simple answer.

It’s a complex journey that is marked by progress, challenges, and personal growth.

As parents, the most important thing is to approach this journey with an open heart, a willingness to learn, and an unwavering commitment to supporting your child’s unique path.

Through love, understanding, and the right resources, you can create the best environment for your child.

You can help them reach their fullest potential, whatever that may look like for them.

About the author

A collection of parents navigating our way around raising children with autism.

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