What Happens If You Ignore Autism?

Written By Autism Parents

A collection of parents navigating our way around raising children with autism

What Happens If You Ignore Autism?

Dealing with an ASD diagnosis or even suspicions can be a difficult time but what happens if you ignore autism?

We explore the likely outcomes if parents decide to ignore autism all together.

Why may some ignore autism?

Every child is unique, and each one has their own strengths, challenges, and quirks that make them who they are.

For some children, navigating the world can be a bit more complex, and this is particularly true for those who are on the autism spectrum.

Ignoring or not addressing your child’s autism can have significant consequences on their development, well-being, and overall happiness.

But it’s essential to remember that understanding and addressing their needs can lead to a more fulfilling and successful life.

What happens if you ignore autism?

Social stigma

Parents may worry that openly acknowledging their child’s autism could lead to social stigma or discrimination.

They might be concerned about how their child will be treated by others or fear that labeling their child might limit their opportunities.

Parents might have a strong desire for their child to lead a “normal” life. They could believe that ignoring the autism diagnosis might help them blend in more easily with their peers.


Some parents might believe that their child’s autistic traits are just a phase or that their child will eventually “grow out” of their challenges.

This hope might lead them to delay or avoid seeking professional help.

Coming to terms with a child’s autism diagnosis can be emotionally challenging for parents.

Some parents might initially deny or avoid the diagnosis due to the difficulty of accepting that their child has a lifelong condition.

Cultural Factors

Cultural or religious beliefs might influence a parent’s perspective on autism.

Some cultures or belief systems might view certain behaviors associated with autism as character flaws or spiritual challenges rather than as neurodevelopmental differences.

Lack of understanding

Parents who are not well-informed about autism might not fully understand the implications of the diagnosis.

This lack of information can lead to confusion and uncertainty about how to best support their child.

Consequences of ignoring autism

Every child is unique with their own challenges and abilities. But with that said here are some likely consequences from ignoring autism.

Missed early interventions

It is wildly acknowledged that early intervention is crucial for children with autism.

The sooner you recognise their needs and provide appropriate support, the better.

You will improve their chances of developing vital communication, social, and cognitive skills.

Ignoring the signs could mean missing out on these opportunities when their brain is most adaptable.

Frustration and struggle

Without the proper understanding and support, children with autism might struggle to communicate their needs.

This will wind up leading to frustration in day to day life.

This frustration can further lead to social isolation as they may have difficulty forming friendships or participating in group activities.

Addressing their needs early on can help mitigate these challenges.

Academic difficulties

Autism can affect how a child processes information and learns.

Ignoring their challenges could lead to academic struggles, hindering their ability to reach their full potential in school.

School can also be a challenging place for those with autism anyway, so denying them that extra support will only make it harder.

With the right interventions, educators can tailor their teaching methods to cater to your child’s learning style.

Emotional well-being

Children with autism may experience heightened sensitivity to noises, lights, textures or may have difficulty processing emotions.

Ignoring these challenges might lead to anxiety, depression, or behavioural issues.

Providing a safe way for them to express themselves and teaching them coping strategies can greatly enhance their emotional well-being.

Long term independence

The cold reality is that we as parents will not be around to support our children forever.

As your child grows, their ability to function independently becomes increasingly important.

By addressing their autism and providing necessary support, you empower them to develop essential life skills.

As you do so you’re increasing their chances of leading an independent and fulfilling adult life.

Creating a supportive environment

Acknowledging your child’s autism allows you to educate family members, friends, and teachers about their unique needs.

This awareness fosters a supportive environment where your child can thrive and feel accepted.

In addition there are both financial and emotional avenues of support which become available for you as a family.

Summary – What happens if you ignore autism

Remember, acknowledging your child’s autism doesn’t define them; it simply allows you to better understand their individual journey.

Seeking professional guidance and educating yourself about autism can make an enormous difference in their overall well-being.

Your child is a remarkable individual with limitless potential.

By addressing their needs and providing the necessary support, you can ensure that they embark on a journey filled with growth, happiness, and success.

About the author

A collection of parents navigating our way around raising children with autism.

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