Autistic Friend Obsessed With You?

Written By Autism Parents

A collection of parents navigating our way around raising children with autism

Autistic Friend Obsessed With You?

This site aims to explain and educate on the subject of autism, including difficult topics such as an autistic friend being obsessed with you.

We will dive into the behaviour and help both you and your friend navigate the situation.

Autism and becoming obsessed

Friendships are a key part of everyone’s lives, ultimately enriching them with companionship.

However, sometimes, friendships can present unique challenges in all walks of life.

This especially becomes the case when a friend becomes intensely focused or obsessed with you.

When this situation arises with an autistic friend, it’s really important to approach it understanding.

In this article, we will explore possible reasons behind such obsessions.

We’ll also give tips on how to handle them while maintaining a respectful relationship.

Reasons behind the behaviour

Before getting into some of the reasons behind the behaviour, it is important to note that there are positives to be taken.

If your autistic friend has become obsessed with you it shows you have been kind and compassionate to them.

Making and maintaining friendships can be a challenge for those with autism.

The fact that you have overlooked the condition and formed a bond says a lot about you.

Lets not lose that.

Autistic friend obsessed with you
What should you do if an autistic friend is obsessed with you?

Lets explore some of the reasons possibly behind the behaviour;

Difficulty with social cues

Some autistic people struggle with interpreting social cues and understanding boundaries.

This can lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations.

These struggles can cause them to become fixated on someone without fully grasping the impact of their actions.

They may not be able to interpret for example the fact you feel uncomfortable or even want to leave.

Although this is difficult for you, place yourself in the shoes of your autistic friend.

Imagine how confusing and difficult life may be not understanding such cues.

Fondness of routine

People with autism often have a strong preference for routine and predicability.

The unknown can be extremely daunting and overwhelming.

If your friend has become obsessed with you it is likely that you have become a dependable and predictable ally.

They know that there are unlikely to be any surprises and they can feel comfortable around you.

Intense interests

Many people on the autism spectrum have intense interests or fixations.

These interests can be all-consuming and may involve a deep fascination with a particular topic or person.

This is in the same way that some people with autism can be fixated on things like trains. Or even interestingly, Sonic is a common interest.

Understanding that this is a natural aspect of their condition can help you approach the behaviour with empathy.

How to handle the situation?

This is the real question isn’t it. Although it’s easy to advise from afar, we appreciate how difficult this may be.

Here are some tips;

Open communication

Honest and open communication is key.

Our advice would be to start by having a gentle, non-confrontational conversation with your friend.

Explain tactfully your feelings and concerns, emphasising that your intention is to maintain a healthy friendship.

Set boundaries

As part of that initial conversation, clearly define your boundaries in a respectful manner.

Autistic individuals often respond well to explicit rules and guidelines, so really spell it out.

Be specific about what makes you uncomfortable and what you’d like to change.

Again, try to get across that you want the friendship to continue and thrive.

Redirect their focus

If your friend’s only focus is on you, try to engage with them in a way that redirects their interest.

Encourage them to explore another passion independently or with a group of like-minded people who share their interests.

This isn’t in any way to be manipulative or anything, it’s just encouraging your friend to broaden their horizons.

Involve a middle man

Sometimes involving a trusted mediator, such as a teacher or parent, can be beneficial.

They can help facilitate a friendly conversation and provide strategies for managing obsessions.

Educate yourself

That title seems more confrontational than is intended! What we mean is try to really understand autism. Learn why your friend may be behaving in certain ways.

The internet is awash with guidance, or feel free to browse our site. Put in any keyword into the search box below and you’ll likely find an article to help.

Practice patience

Remember that change takes time.

Be really patient with your friend as they work on understanding and respecting your boundaries.

It may require ongoing effort and support but the key factor is time.

Summary – Autistic friend obsessed with you?

Navigating a friendship when an autistic friend becomes obsessed with you can be challenging.

As we mention above it’s important to approach the situation with compassion, empathy, and patience.

By understanding the reasons behind their fixation and having open conversations you can maintain a strong and supportive friendship.

Remember that, at its core, friendship is built on mutual respect, trust, and care for one another.

These principles can guide you through challenging moments with your autistic friend.

Good luck.

About the author

A collection of parents navigating our way around raising children with autism.

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