Autistic Child Obsessed With The Alphabet?

Written By Autism Parents

A collection of parents navigating our way around raising children with autism

Autistic Child Obsessed With The Alphabet?

If you have an autistic child who is obsessed with the alphabet you are not alone, it’s more common than you may think.

In the below article we explore the behaviour and perhaps shed some light on your child’s preference.

Autism and obsession with the alphabet

Out of all of the trials and tribulations parents face, this to outsiders may seem less stress inducing than others.

But for those who’s child is obsessed with the alphabet it can still lead to them pulling their hair out.

Lets firstly examine why an autistic child may develop this strong preference;


First, the alphabet provides structure and order, which can be comforting for some autistic kids.

As we know, many thrive on routine and predictability and the alphabet has this.

It offers a clear sequence of letters and a set of rules, which can be reassuring in a world that often feels chaotic and unpredictable to them.

This is in the same way that many autistic children become obsessed with numbers.

Autistic child obsessed with alphabet
An autistic child being obsessed with the alphabet is common

Simple speech

The alphabet is a basic form of language, an area which many autistic children struggle with.

They might find solace in the familiar shapes and sounds of letters.

For some, the alphabet can serve as a source of comfort and a means of self-expression when verbal communication is challenging.

Sense of achievement

Obsessing over the alphabet can also be a way for autistic children to gain a sense of achievement.

This is while having some control of their environment.

By memorising, organising, or reciting the alphabet, they may feel a sense of accomplishment and competence.

This can fill them with pride in an otherwise difficult world.

Intense focus

Autistic children often develop an intense focus in a particular topic. For some it is trains, others it is a cartoon character but whatever they choose, an intense interest is common.

A focus on a particular aspect of life such as the alphabet provides them structure and consistency.

They know what the alphabet means and they know it will never change, this can be reassuring.

What should parents do?

The answer to this question will be very much dependant on the child and their parents.

A lot of it will come down to the level of obsession with the alphabet that their autistic child has.

If it is something which is inhibiting their development and social skills then intervention may be required.

On the other hand however if it is just an occasional obsession then no action may be required.

Here are some things to consider;

Embrace the obsession

One option which is readily available is to steer into the obsession and embrace it.

In the big scheme of things your child could be obsessed with, the alphabet is quite innocent.

You could try and use the obsession to spearhead learning in other realms. For example you could spell out words in the order of the alphabet.

Or you could even use it as a form of counting down, i.e. one more recital of the alphabet before meal time.

Try and expand to numbers

Quite often children who are obsessed with the alphabet also are obsessed with numbers.

When you think about it they are similar in that they also follow a rhythmical pattern.

If your child is only interested in the alphabet you can try to entice them into numbers also. Games like hide and seek can really help the concept of numbers sink in with autistic children.

Try to stop the obsession

If you believe that the obsession with the alphabet is having a detrimental effect on your child then you may want to step in.

If you decide this is the path you want to take firstly consider removing all references to the alphabet. This includes all toys and books which are alphabet focused.

Whilst removing these reminders you could also consider not acknowledging the alphabet at all.

If your child is reciting it avoid the urge to join in or applaude.

Instead have a distraction to hand which you know your child will be interested in. This could be food or a favourite toy.

What you will be trying to do is break the cycle of constantly repeating the alphabet if you can.

Summary – Autistic Child obsessed with the alphabet

It’s important to approach this fascination with empathy and support.

Parents should recognise that the alphabet can serve as a valuable coping mechanism and source of comfort for autistic children.

That is not to say that they shouldn’t try to divert their child’s attention from the alphabet.

It is more that they should try to do so in a staggered and soft manner.

Any tips or ideas?

We would love to hear from you if you have got any techniques or ideas for our readers to try.

Be sure to leave a comment if any of the above has helped or if you have any ideas we can add to this article.

Also be sure to search for any other articles you might find helpful.

Try for example searching below for topics like ‘meltdown’ or ‘communication’.

About the author

A collection of parents navigating our way around raising children with autism.

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