Signs Of Autism We Saw In Our Son

Written By Autism Parents

A collection of parents navigating our way around raising children with autism

Signs Of Autism We Saw In Our Son

Part of trying to help people involves revisiting difficult old memories, for instance documenting the signs of autism we saw in our son.

Anyone who has been through the journey will know that this time is full of anxiety and worry.

But having lived this experience, I know millions out there want a guide so here goes.

Recognising early signs of autism – Mothers intuition

In the world of parenting, every milestone, smile, and word of a child is closely watched and celebrated.

I, a first time mother didn’t know what to expect.

Sure I had seen family members and friends have children but we all know that everything is different when you’re watching your own grow.

From the start, Alex was a serene baby.

Unlike others who would engage in babbling conversations and seek eye contact, he preferred his peaceful solitude, seldom looking into my eyes or responding to his name.

Initially, I brushed these traits off as part of his gentle nature.

Yet, as months passed, the differences between Alex and his peers grew more noticeable.

A story of a mother's signs of autism she saw in her son
I spent a lot of my time watching Alex

The first signs

By the time Alex was a year old, the first red flags began to wave, gently at first, then with increasing urgency.

While other toddlers were pointing at objects of interest, engaging in simple games of peek-a-boo, or mimicking sounds and gestures, Alex remained in his bubble.

He seemed uninterested in these exchanges of joy and intrigue.

I found myself beginning to document these observations, comparing notes with milestones charts frantically.

I also (ironically enough), sought out stories from other parents, like this one.

The discrepancies between Alex and other children his age were subtle but undeniable.

Examples of differences observed

The most poignant sign came when Alex’s interaction with toys moved from typical play.

Instead of using toys for their intended purposes, Alex was fascinated by their parts—spinning wheels or flipping pages repeatedly, entranced by the motion.

Watching him, I realised this was more than a mere preference; it was a glimpse into his unique way of perceiving the world.

Social behaviour

Next it was his differences in social behaviour which really became undeniable.

It’s those invisible threads that bind children’s interactions that seemed to elude Alex.

The thing which was obvious was his indifference to other children, his difficulty in making friends and his lack of interest in group activities.

Birthday parties and playdates, staples of childhood social life, were overwhelming rather than enjoyable experiences for him.


This like many others was also an early area of concern.

By the age of two, Alex had a handful of words in his vocabulary, but he used them sparingly.

I found myself becoming adept at interpreting non-verbal ways of communicating, but the lack of speech was a barrier that couldn’t be ignored.

It wasn’t just about the words; it was the absence of the back-and-forth babbling, the experimental sounds of a child discovering language.

A growing sense of worry

Our path to a formal diagnosis was fraught with worry and doubt.

My initial concerns were often met with reassurances that Alex might simply be a late bloomer.

Yet, my gut feeling, supported by relentless research and observation, catapulted me to seek a professional evaluation.

Receiving the diagnosis of autism was both a confirmation of my fears and oddly a beacon of hope.

With this knowledge, our journey shifted towards understanding and supporting Alex.

Through therapies and play-based interventions, we found ways for him to express himself, connect, and flourish on his own terms.

I transformed into not just a mother, but an advocate for Alex and for the broader acceptance of autism.

Thinking about the early days

Looking back at the early signs, I now see them as not just challenges, but as unique strengths.

Alex’s exceptional attention to detail, his intense focus, and his distinctive perspective are not what I would describe as disabilities.

This journey has taught me the significance of listening beyond words, to actions and silent expressions of curiosity and need.

Understanding my son’s autism became a journey of unconditional love and learning to communicate in ways I never knew possible.

It has been a reminder that each child’s developmental path is unique, filled with its own hurdles and achievements.

Trust me as someone who has been out the other end, a child having autism is not the end of the world.

You’ll grow together and have a bond closer than you can even imagine.

Summary – Our experience of the signs of autism

By sharing my story, I hope to offer comfort to other parents on similar journeys.

I wanted to highlight the importance of early observation, trusting one’s instincts, and seeking support.

This is not merely a story about recognising signs; it’s about understanding, acceptance, and celebrating the diversity of parenthood.

Good luck everyone.

About the author

A collection of parents navigating our way around raising children with autism.

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