About Us

What we are all about

This website is made and run by people who are likely in a similar position to you, raising autistic children.

It is a rolling blog of things we have read or learnt along the way which we hope may be of assistance to other families out there.

The focus will always be on trying to assist parents and caregivers in understanding an autistic child’s world… so that they can help their child thrive.

Finding Annie’s Voice

If you are interested in learning more about one of our contributors feel free to read his book, available on Amazon in paperback and digital download.

Finding Annie’s voice documents the personal journey of a parent of an autistic child with all the heartache and happiness along the way .

There are chapters contained in the book focused on subjects such as attention and speech which may be of use.


The information on this site is all directly related to questions or experiences we have faced but we want to hear from you also.

We want our site visitors to contribute and help us learn also so feel free to leave comments with suggestions or ideas.

You may have tips, ideas or thoughts on the subjects contained or others so please let us know.

Your experience is as valuable as ours.

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