Is Autism Just A Label?

Society is a lot more understanding towards ASD these days but many question, is autism just a label? Let’s dive ...
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Is Being Autistic Hard?

We often try to place ourselves in the shoes of people we love, but is being autistic hard? We delve ...
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Autism And Memory

ASD can have a wide range of symptoms but what about the link between autism and memory? We look into ...
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Autism And Good Eye Contact?

ASD can impact children and adults in a number of ways, but can you have autism and good eye contact? ...
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Autism And Loud Noises

Adults and children with ASD may have a number of challenges, in this article we look into struggles around autism ...
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Autism And Hugging

Autism and hugging can be an interesting mix with some children with ASD being strongly against the gesture. In this ...
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Understanding Autistic Rage

Everyone can lose their temper but many parents in our position describe their child having autistic rage. We examine the ...
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Autism And Being Touched

There can be many puzzling when aspects raising a child with ASD, but what about autism and being touched? An ...
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Autistic Child Always Wants To Be First

If your autistic child always wants to be first you are not alone, it’s actually quite a common behaviour. In ...
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Autistic Child Urinating On Floor?

If your autistic child is urinating on the floor it can be extremely challenging and difficult to tackle. In this ...
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