Do Autistic Adults Need More Sleep?

Do Autistic Adults Need More Sleep?

ASD can impact people in a number of ways but do autistic adults need more sleep? We explore all below. Sleep and autism Issues with sleep are one of the most common problems that parents in our position report. Autistic children often have problems falling and staying asleep. We have various articles on the topic … Read more

How To Prevent Autistic Shutdown

Raising a child with ASD can spring various challenges, in this article we explore how to prevent autistic shutdown. What is an autistic shutdown? One aspect of autism which a number of parents will have faced is when their child goes into shutdown. During an autistic shutdown, a child (or adult) may temporarily withdraw or … Read more

How To Stop An Autistic Child Pulling Hair

A number of behaviours can be distressing to witness as parents, in this article we explain how to stop an autistic child pulling hair. Hair-pulling in autistic children If you have been in the world of ASD for any length of time you will be aware that those with autism often have repetitive behaviours. These … Read more

How To Stop An Autistic Child Clapping

ASD can lead to many conundrums for parents in the below article we explain how to stop an autistic child clapping. So let’s explore the reasons behind clapping in autistic children first and then come up with some practical strategies to try. Autism and hand clapping Clapping is a common repetitive behaviour observed in autistic … Read more

Autism And Overthinking

ASD can throw up any number of challenges for individuals, one of which is the link between autism and overthinking. In the below article, we will delve into the connection between autism and overthinking. We aim to shed light on the challenges faced by those who navigate this intricate web of thoughts. What do we … Read more

Can You Be Autistic And Not Have Meltdowns?

Autism impacts individuals in varying ways, but can you be autistic and not have meltdowns? We explore all below. Autism and meltdowns Autism is a very complex condition that manifests in a wide range of behaviours, characteristics, and challenges. For many years, the general public’s understanding of autism has been largely influenced by media portrayals. … Read more

Easy Jobs For Autistic Adults

Looking into the future is something which most parents do, including considering easy jobs for autistic adults. Whilst we want to make it abundantly clear that those with autism don’t have to go for ‘easy’ jobs, sometimes choosing an appropriate job can be a challenge. In this article we go over some possible future job … Read more