Autistic Child Tired All The Time?

Autistic Child Tired All The Time?

If your autistic child is tired all the time there may be some very good reasons behind it. We explore possible causes below. Child with autism and fatigue Parenting a child with autism can be both rewarding and challenging. One of the common concerns among parents is the constant fatigue experienced by their autistic child. … Read more

Autistic Child Loves Water?

If your autistic child loves water you are not alone, it is quite a common occurrence. Below we ‘dive’ into what may be behind the fascination. Autism and water As parents, you understand the unique and beautiful traits that make your child who they are. It is through these extraordinary qualities that we discover their … Read more

What Are Autism Stims?

There are many different terms in the world of neuro-diversity but what are autism stims? We explain and give examples below. Examples of autism stims As parents, we all want the very best for our children. We cherish their individuality and strive to create a nurturing environment where they can thrive. If your child is … Read more

OCD and Autism

Autism can be linked to a number of different conditions, in this article we explore the relationship between OCD and Autism. OCD and Autism basics Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) are two complex conditions that have garnered significant attention in recent years. While each condition has its unique set of characteristics, research … Read more

Autistic Child Running Back And Forth?

If you have an autistic child who keeps running back and forth you are not alone, it is a common behaviour. In the below article we delve into the motivations behind the activity and what you can do. Autism and running backwards and forwards It is fair to say that all parents strive to comprehend … Read more

Child Rolling Eyes Upwards and Autism?

If you have noticed your child rolling their eyes upwards and are wondering what link it has to autism, we explain all below. Eye rolling in autistic children As parents, we constantly observe our children’s behaviours, searching for clues about their well-being and development. One behaviour which often catches our attention is when our child … Read more

Autism and Binocular Vision Dysfunction

In recent years, a growing body of research has shed light on a possible connection between autism and binocular vision dysfunction. Whilst it is always important to note that every child is different, we dive into the topic and potential links below. BVD and autism Binocular vision dysfunction refers to a condition where the eyes … Read more

Autism and Trains

As parents, we often witness our children develop unique interests, in this article we are going to explore the link between autism and trains. Trains and autism It’s not uncommon to find that autistic children have a particular fondness for trains. Trying to put your mind in the body of a child with autism and … Read more