Can You Have Autistic Traits Without Being Autistic?

Can You Have Autistic Traits Without Being Autistic?

Autism can be confusing for all concerned, family members, friends, and individuals, but can you have autistic traits without being autistic? Lets dig in and find out. What are autism characteristics? As the name suggests, autistic traits are a collection of characteristics commonly associated with the condition. The list is long and ranging but some … Read more

Can You Have Autism And Not Know It?

With greater awareness of neurodiversity in society, many people are wondering can you have autism and not know it? Lets dive into the question and give you some insight. Undiagnosed autism The intricate spectrum of autism has long been a topic of discussion and understanding. While many children are diagnosed at an early age, there … Read more

Explaining Autism In Simple Terms…

The world of neuro-diversity can be a confusing place so below we go about explaining autism in simple terms. Autism in simple terms Autism, often referred to as ASD, is a condition that influences the way some individuals perceive and interact with the world around them. This can affect how they talk, act, and feel. … Read more

What Happens If You Ignore Autism?

Dealing with an ASD diagnosis or even suspicions can be a difficult time but what happens if you ignore autism? We explore the likely outcomes if parents decide to ignore autism all together. Why may some ignore autism? Every child is unique, and each one has their own strengths, challenges, and quirks that make them … Read more

The Impact Of Autism On Families

A diagnosis of ASD can be an unexpected event in parents lives, in this article we explore the impact of autism on families. Adapting family life Parenthood is a journey filled with twists and turns, challenges, and moments of pure joy. While every child brings their unique set of needs, raising an autistic child often … Read more

Autistic Child Jumping On The Furniture?

Having a child with ASD can lead to some difficult situations such as an autistic child jumping on the furniture. In this article, we’ll delve into the reasons behind this behaviour and explore strategies for gradually moving them away from this activity. Autism and jumping on furniture We all know that autistic children can develop … Read more

Is Being Autistic Hard?

We often try to place ourselves in the shoes of people we love, but is being autistic hard? We delve into this complicated question below. Is having autism hard? For parents of children with autism, the journey might take a slightly different route than we originally envisioned. But it is a journey filled with love, … Read more

Autism And Loud Noises

Adults and children with ASD may have a number of challenges, in this article we look into struggles around autism and loud noises. ASD and loud noises For parents of children with autism, many will have noticed their childs heightened sensitivity to loud noises. In this article, we aim to shed light on the connection … Read more

Autism And Hugging

Autism and hugging can be an interesting mix with some children with ASD being strongly against the gesture. In this article, we delve into the common reasons behind an autistic child’s discomfort with hugging. We also explore ways to create a nurturing and connected relationship without relying solely on physical touch. An autistic child and … Read more

Understanding Autistic Rage

Everyone can lose their temper but many parents in our position describe their child having autistic rage. We examine the phenomenon and give you parents some ideas in terms of how you can manage it. Rage and autism Raising any child is a journey filled with countless joys and challenges, and for parents of autistic … Read more